Patrick Snow Image

PATRICK SNOW - Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur

'Dean of Destiny' Reveals How to Get Exactly What You Want Out of Life!

If You Are Unhappy at Work, Let Me Help You
Turn Your Career Distress into Personal Success!

** Click here for DESTINY ACHIEVERS' NIGHT seminar dates **

"Only those who can see the INVISIBLE can accomplish the IMPOSSIBLE!
-- Patrick Snow (Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur)
Dear Fellow Student of Destiny,

My name is Patrick Snow, and I have studied the field of personal growth and development for over 20 years. As a result, I have been called "The Dean of Destiny" by high achievers nationwide. I have learned what is it that virtually everyone wants out of life, and HOW to get it!

My "DESTINY" message has been covered in major newspapers around the country. My book and photo were featured in a FRONT-PAGE, COVER STORY of USA Today (12/5/02). My message has also been featured in the Chicago Sun Times, The Denver Post, and on hundreds of radio stations throughout North America and Europe.

More importantly, I am a business-ownership advocate, and my mission in life is simply to help you succeed through owning your own business in a field that YOU are passionate about!

I have also developed a proven Sales Success Formula that every business owner and salesperson can benefit from. My formula flat-out works every single time!  (T + R + N = $)

I am the author of the book, Creating Your Own Destiny: How to Get Exactly What You Want Out of Life. My book has already sold over 60,000 copies. It is a "Success Road Map for High Achievers". I am also a co-author of the book, Inspiring Breakthrough Secrets to Live Your Dreams, and a contributing author to Wake Up... Live the Life You Love.

Thousands of people around the world have benefited my Create Your Own Destiny Program, which has been featured on over 250 radio stations in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. I encourage you to click on the radio interview and listen to my program as featured on a morning show in Nottingham, England. These folks kept it short and sweet. They made an alarming situation, career discontent in today's workforce, lighthearted and fun.

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

Please give me five minutes of your time to read through this information. If you do, I guarantee that your life will be changed forever! I am convinced that you will benefit and be pleased with the results. In fact, I am so confident that you will experience positive results from my program that I back up it up with a:

No-Questions-Asked, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
So read on …

In a recent USA Today poll, 50% of American workers said they are "unhappy at work" and the numbers are as high as 66% in New England and steadily growing nationwide! My friends up north tell me the numbers are even higher in Canada. I am NOT surprised, as I have been tracking worker discontent for years! Are you one of the millions who are "unhappy at work"? If so, read on…

CNN reports that as many as 1 million workers have been laid off in North America since 9/11. I know this first hand, because I, too, was laid off (9/18/2001) after working for three years for a high-tech company and making six figures as one of its top salesmen. The reality is, that your job could be next!

According to the Center for Creative Leadership, 40% of new hires end in termination! These numbers are staggering, and it is obvious that we are living in a day and age where "job security" no longer exists! Therefore, if we are to provide for our families and make it financially, then we MUST create income security in our lives. And this is exactly what my Create Your Own Destiny Program is all about!

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

In addition to my career as an author, speaker, coach, and entrepreneur, I have also worked in the field of corporate sales for over a dozen years. During this time I have spent over 10 years interviewing unhappy and disgruntled employees throughout North America. As a result of these interviews, I have compiled my findings and have created a compelling list of the…

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Job Sucks!

10. Not enough vacation time
9. No tax deductions
8. Unpaid overtime and working weekends
7. Business travel away from family
6. Too little pay and no ownership
5. No respect and no job security
4. Your daily commute
3. You could be laid off tomorrow
2. You work with a bunch of stiffs
1. Your boss is an idiot

Overwhelmingly, most people I interviewed said that their boss was the biggest reason for their discontent!

If you can relate to these reasons why people hate their jobs, then my
Create Your Own Destiny Program is for you!

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

During these interviews, I also asked these people what they desire most. As a result, I have learned exactly what it is that virtually everyone in this world wants -- but few workers actually know how to get! Without exception, we all want basically the same things in life …


The reality is that if you only have a job, you can not get these things in life. However, owning a business will give you the ability to get more out of life.

In my Create Your Own Destiny Program, you will learn how to get more time, more money, more freedom, more health, more love, and more happiness in life!

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

The question I get asked more than any other from radio hosts around the world is this:

"Okay Patrick … so what do you recommend our listeners do if they are unhappy at work and have a lousy job?"

My answer is always the same:

First of all, what you should not do is go out and look for a second lousy job (part time on evenings and weekends), because you will lose even more of your income to taxes as a result of having NO DEDUCTIONS as an employee!

Second, if you have a lousy job and are unhappy at work, I would also not recommend that you go out in the job market and look to replace your current job with another job paying only 5% more, because you will never get ahead, and a year or so later you will again be unhappy at work!

If you have a lousy job, what you need to do is find a need in the market-place, soul-search for your innermost passions, then transform those passions into a business that YOU OWN. As a result of doing so, you will be able to take control of your future and create your own destiny!

Marsha Sinetar wrote a book titled, Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow. I am a firm advocate of this philosophy! You MUST follow your passions if you truly want to become free, and that is exactly what you will learn how to do in my Create Your Own Destiny Program!

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

Next question I often get from hosts is "Why is business ownership so important?"

The IRS put out a study a few years back titled "Personal Wealth." In this study, the IRS identified about $15 trillion worth of personal wealth in this country (in a more recent study produced by Merrill Lynch, personal wealth in the U.S. has now climbed to $27 trillion). This number includes real estate, assets, investments, stock ownership, etc. The alarming thing is that 90% of the wealth is owned by only 10% of the people. This fact alone shows you why ownership is so important!

In my Create Your Own Destiny Program, you will learn what knowledge the wealthy 10% have, and the remaining 90% are missing!

Let's face it, who do you know that has become wealthy as a result of having a job (not including athletes or entertainers)? Yet we all know many people who have become wealthy by owning their own business in a field in which they have passion!

If this doesn't convince you of the importance of business ownership, then the old fish story is sure to drive my point home. The old saying goes:

"If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime!"

I am a firm believer that having a job is just like being given some fish on payday. And, consequently, when you get laid off, you STARVE because your employer never taught you how to fish for yourself.

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

See, many people believe that slavery in America ended in 1862 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. However, I believe that as long as we have a job, we are enslaved to our employers and are NOT really free! Given the fact that workers are given a limited amount of income and in return must work almost the entire year to earn their pay, it becomes obvious that employees today are not really free!

If you disagree with this statement, why is it that we need to ask our employers if we can go on a six-month vacation, when business owners can go anytime without asking for permission? The kind of slavery that existed over 100 years ago has ended, but a different kind of slavery exists today with our employers!

Other radio hosts have asked, "How do you get started in a business when you are working a full-time job?"

The myth of business ownership is two fold. First, many people believe that they need to quit their job to launch their business, and this simply is NOT true! In my program, I provide a free list of 50 home-based businesses that anyone can do, part time or on the side, in addition to their day job. And most of these businesses require less than $500 of start-up capital.

A JOB is a good thing in that it supports your family and pays your bills. So what I recommend is keeping your full-time job, but starting a home-based business on the side. Cultivate your business part time, during the early mornings, lunch hours, late evenings, and weekends.

Eventually, over the course of 18 to 36 months, you will have built up your business to a point where you are making enough money that you can leave your job if you would like. But I recommend that you leave your job only once you have a year's worth of income saved up in the bank.

Another common question from hosts is "What do you say to others who have started up their own business but have still failed as a result?"

Bottom line is this: All of us at one point or another have been left stranded at the side of the road with a car or truck that has broken down. The reality of it is that we don't give up on automobiles and spend the rest of our lives walking everywhere just because we were left stranded. We just get a new vehicle. The same principle holds true with business ownership.

This question also reminds me of a quote from Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor of all time (1847-1931):

"Unfortunately, many of life's failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed because every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step forward!"

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

I am often asked this question as well: "How is your program different from all the other business opportunity infomercials that we all see on late-night TV?"

This is a great question!

Most infomercials pitch their own unique business opportunity, and most all of these businesses present very legitimate opportunities for financial gain. However, I believe that there is NO one "right" business for all of us, as we are all different and have very unique passions in life.

Therefore, my program does NOT endorse any specific industry or type of business, but rather I wholeheartedly endorse the belief of becoming FREE through business ownership in a field that you are passionate about!

For example, real estate is a great opportunity, but I would not recommend that you get involved in this industry if your passion is cooking. You would be better off starting your own personal chef service.

So how is it that business ownership can impact your life?


- If you could wake up in the morning and know that…all your bills would be paid this month, whether you rolled out of bed, or rolled over!

- If you could take up to six months off every year, and travel anywhere in the world without having to ask permission from your employer to do so!

- If you owned the home of your dreams in the location of your dreams!

- If you had a vacation home in addition to your dream home, which you and your family could enjoy for many generations to come!

- If you had enough money saved that you could work in your own business out of choice, instead of having to work in your job out of need!

- If your children could go to college wherever they desired, instead of settling for a school that you could afford!

- If you could write a check each year for $100,000 or more to your favorite charity!

- If you could dedicate the rest of your life to helping others in need!

- What it would FEEL like to have more time, more money, more freedom, more health, more love, and more happiness in life!

Well, NOW there is a way to make your dreams and visions become a reality! My Create Your Own Destiny Program is all that you need to get started!

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

I am a firm believer in the concept of visualizing all that you want. Many years ago, I termed a quote that is about envisioning something first in your mind, so that ultimately your desires can become a reality in your life. My quote (which appears on the back of my book) is as follows:

"Only those who can see the invisible, can accomplish the impossible!"

My system shows you how to DREAM, PLAN, EXECUTE, and SOAR in life by taking you through a 10-step success road map to start your own business in a field that you are passionate about. You will also learn how to make your business successful once you have launched it! My system provides everything you need to learn to become a successful business owner!

In my program, you will also learn how to:

- Visualize your desired future and make this your reality

- Attain all your dreams and goals while keeping your family as your top priority

- Create and execute a winning game plan for life that fulfills all of your passions

- Build wealth through home-based-business ownership

- Find powerful solutions for overcoming fear, failure, and other obstacles

- Experience more time, money, freedom, health, love, and happiness in life

- Discover how to apply the ultimate Success Secret to get what you want

- Secure personal freedom when you create -- and follow -- your own destiny

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

Several people over the years have asked me for investment advice. I always politely decline and advise them that I am NOT qualified as a financial expert and can not provide this kind of advice. However, I always tell them what I firmly believe:

"Your Best Investment is Always in Yourself and in Your Dreams!"

I think the recent downturn in the economy shows us all that there are no safe traditional investments in today's day and age. Therefore, I sincerely believe that starting your own business is the BEST investment that you can make in today's volatile market -- and NOW is the right time to get started!

If you are unhappy at work and stuck with a lousy job, you owe it to yourself to get out of your rut and start pursuing your destiny TODAY.

My Platinum Package includes the following products and services, which I have created over the years to ensure your success as you go into business for yourself!


- Creating Your Own Destiny (book -- retails for $14.95)

- Inspiring Breakthrough Secrets to Live Your Dreams (book -- retails for $19.95)

- Creating Your Own Destiny (audio book on two CDs -- retails for $24.95)

- Destiny Journal Workbook (workbook -- retails for $29.95)

- 10-Step Success Road Map Video (two-hour speaking video -- retails for $29.95)

- 40 Minutes of Private Success Coaching (a retail value of $165*)

* This private success coaching is done directly with me. These 40 minutes of success coaching have a value of $165 and come in my Platinum Package at no additional charge. My normal fees are $250 per hour. I offer this coaching as part of my program to ensure your success and to further help you sort through all your passions, hobbies, and interests to find a business that fits your lifestyle, dreams, and available resources.

Additionally, when you order my Create Your Own Destiny Program today, you will also get the following really cool freebies:


- List of 50 Home-Based-Business Ideas (FREE) ($5.95 Value)

- List of 50 Really Cool Jobs (FREE) ($5.95 Value)

- Top 10 Reasons Why Your Job Sucks (FREE) ($5.95 Value)

- Life Plan Goal Sheet (FREE) ($5.95 Value)

- Monthly Goal Sheet (FREE) ($5.95 Value)

- My Proven Success Secret (FREE) ($5.95 Value)

When you order my program, you will get ALL the above products and services (and my FREE BONUSES) for one low price of:

$189.95  $129.95

(This is a value of over $280.You save $150!)

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906

Don't put your dreams off for another minute! Let me help you turn your career distress into personal success by helping you discover and launch your own business today!

I challenge you to take action in your life and Create Your Own Destiny so that you can ultimately get more out of life! Simply put: Today's actions equal tomorrow's results!

Remember, I offer a No-Questions-Asked, 30-Day, Full-Money Back-Guarantee!

So what are you waiting for? Invest in yourself -- and in your future -- today!

Order now: Click Here! Or call (800) 458-7906


Respectfully Yours,


Patrick Snow Image Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur

Success Coaching Hotline: (206) 310-1200

If you are a radio host or producer and are interested in booking me as a guest on your show, please call Talk-n-Talent at (800) 346-7737.

"Patrick Snow has written the definitve guide to fulfilling your goals and dreams. Full of real-world insights - and solutions - to help you reach for and realize your destiny."

Professional Speaker and Author of Unstoppable

World's greatest speaker ZIG ZIGLAR and I
(April 2003)

"As an executive coach with Building Champions, Inc. (, I am constantly reviewing marketplace materials that are well written, resonate with our coaching approach of life/work balance and that I can recommend to my clients.  In writing Creating Your Own Destiny, Mr. Snow has accomplished all three.  I particularly like how Patrick has struck a balance between simplicity and insight.  This book is a terrific resource for people who want to get started on living a life of purpose, direction and fulfillment!"

Executive coach
VP for Strategy & Learning
Building Champions, Inc.
Lake Oswego, Oregon

"Want to realize your true destiny? Start here."

Best-selling author of Working Wounded and The Boss's Survival Guide and internationally syndicated columnist

Best-selling author MARK VICTOR HANSEN and I
(November 2002)

"Creating Your Own Destiny is a must-read if your you're serious about living your dreams. Patrick Snow's strategies will make a tremendous difference in your life!"

Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Athlete's Soul

Best Selling Author ROBERT ALLEN and I
(November 2002)

"After reading virtually every book known to mankind on personal growth and attending every seminar possible, I have found Patrick's book, Creating Your Own Destiny, to be the definitive book on setting and achieving your goals and dreams. Since going through his program, reading his book, and creating a vision for my destiny in his workbook, I have two feature-length films slated for production this year!"

Screenwriter and movie director

"Patrick's book delivers a great message! After reading his book and going through his program, I have been able to claim a new mantra: I am focused, organized, and making lot of money! Why? Because Patrick has taught me for whom I work -- my family!"

Top producer
John L. Scott Real Estate

"If you know what you want out of life but aren't sure how to get it, Patrick Snow's Create Your Own Destiny Program is for you. It is loaded with insights you can use right away."

Professional speaker and author of When the Drum Beat Changes, Dance a Different Dance

“Patrick Snow’s Create Your Own Destiny Program has re-energized both my business and family pursuits. His system has helped me clarify my goals, while his philosophy on ‘vision’ has completely changed my future outlook! What once seemed impossible is now within my reach, after adapting the principles that I learned in his program in my own life. Patrick not only teaches you how to discover your passions, but he also provides a road map to follow to attain all of your innermost desires. Read his book and you, too, can create your own destiny!”

Top Producer
RE/MAX Real Estate

"Patrick Snow knows what he is talking about when it comes to personal development. Highly successful himself, he has the real-life experience to help you take your life to the next level and beyond. I strongly encourage you to invest in yourself -- in your destiny -- by going through his Create Your Own Destiny program. It can change your life!"

Made for Success and Extraordinary Leaders


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